Friday, February 27, 2009

Ruben's Tube


Laptop and student’s text

- Identifying the graph type
- Write the function

TIME: 15 min.
15 min

- Recall the sine/cosine functions

- Ask student to graph sine/cosine functions

Identify the period and amplitude of the parent functions.

10 min

- Play Ruben's Tube Video
What did you see in the video?
How does this relate to the functions you graphed?

20 min

Pause video and begin to generalize a function

What is wave length?
How does it relate to the parent function of a sine wave?
How can we use transformations to model waves?

15 min

Estimate wavelength and amplitude of the wave created by the fire

Write and graph the function of the wave created by the fire

Connecting topic:
Basic trig geometry definition + parent sine/cosine functions

Wiimote 3-Space Lesson Plan

Read the following article and focus on all possible math related ideas that come up:

Are there any math concepts that correlate more directly with algebra? with geometry?

Towards the end of the article, the phrase "three axes of acceleration" appears?
How do you understand this phrase? Could you draw a visual representation of this concept?

Insert brilliant explanation of XYZ-3D-Space that emerges from the student's visual representation.

Why are three axes required to sense simulated game movement?
How do you imagine the MEMS are arranged within the Wiimote so that the
"diving board" structures can accurately represent 3D-space?

Link to MEMS graphic

Link to Wiimote movement graphic

For each type of movement shown in the diagram, create a visual representation of that movement on the XYZ-3D-Space.

Anatomy Of A Crisis

Visualizing Econ

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Some Map Examples

An map of Richmond:

Using Streetview

View Larger Map